SPP 2299 Coral Reference Material
A new Coral Reference Material has been developed for use within the DFG (German Research Foundation) Priority Programme “Tropical Climate Variability & Coral Reefs” (SPP 2299) as well as by the wider international scientific community. This standard is the Ishi-B SPP2299 Porites coral solution reference, developed in the GEOMAR clean lab facility, from Porites coral collected from Ishigaki Island, Japan (Okai et al., 2002).
If you would like to use the Ishi-B SPP2299 coral solution standard please contact Dr. Ed Hathorne (GEOMAR), at ehathorne@geomar.de.
For information on testing the Ishi-B SPP2299 solution standard please follow the user instructions, and return the available ‘Ishi-B SPP2299 Data Report Excel template‘ to ehathorne@geomar.de.
Ishi-B SPP2299 Data Report Excel template;
Ishi-B SPP2299 User Guide;