Topic A
Large-scale ocean, climate and environment reconstructions
This research topic aims to fully characterize tropical marine climate and environmental variability on seasonal, interannual and decadal timescales, during warm climates beyond the start of instrumental observations. These timescales are most relevant to human societies and coral reef ecosystems.
Regional- to basin-scale reconstructions conducted through Topic A will provide essential baselines of natural and current anthropogenic climate and environmental variability (frequency and intensity of extreme events, seasonality, interannual to decadal variability) to serve research questions in Topic B and Topic C.
Overarching research questions
Can we fully characterize tropical sea surface temperature, hydroclimate and biogeochemical variability? Can we separate internal variability from natural external forcing and anthropogenic forcing?
How do modes of tropical climate variability respond to changes in background conditions, external forcing and anthropogenic forcing?
Can we understand the linkage between tropical climate (mean state, seasonal cycle) and its variability (extreme events, interannual/decadal variability)? What are the implications for tropical societies and coral reefs?