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SPP 2299 Projects – Phase 1 (2022-2025)

Projects for phase I of DFG Priority Programme “Tropical Climate Variability & Coral Reefs” (SPP 2299), which contribute to the overall scientific questions.

Project TitleApplicantsProject Acronym
Climate and environmental changes in the Andaman Sea since the late Little Ice Age: sea surface temperature, hydroclimate, and coral response to thermal stress in the northeastern Indian OceanThomas Felis IndOC-E
Common Era ENSO variability in the West Central Pacific inferred from isotopic and trace element analysis of Porites microatollsOliver Knebel
Contribution of past and recent climate variability on contemporary patterns of coral bleaching susceptibilityChristian VoolstraTRACE
Coping with heat stress: evaluating the effects of repeated bleaching events on coral biomineralizationDaniel A. Frick;
Juan Pablo D’Olivo
Coral reefs on the tin island of Belitung: ‘reefs of hope’ threatened by pollution and runoffMiriam Pfeiffer;
Dieter Garbe-Schönberg
Disentangling species-, colony-, and symbiont-specific effects on coral skeletal characteristics under future environmental variability scenariosMaren ZieglerDiSCoSym
Frozen in time: ecology of paleo reefsChristian Wild;
Sonia Bejarano
Indian Ocean warming from the peak of the Little Ice Age to the 21st century: Zanzibar Island, Western Indian OceanMiriam PfeifferIndOC-W
Quantifying post Little-Ice-Age freshwater influences and ocean dynamics in the Central American Sea using a novel tracer combination: 234U/238U– (P)SST – 14CNorbert Frank;
Sophie Warken
Reconstructing ultra-high resolution climate variability and symbiont bleaching in tropical corals: from past to presentMartin Frank;
Jan Fietzke
Reef coral calcification and climate dynamics during the Eocene greenhouseThomas Brachert;
Michael Henehan;
Regina Mertz
Reef-scale climate protection – screening coral skeletal records for proxy traces of natural bleaching mitigation by internal waves Marlene WallReefCPTrace
Seasonal extremes and rates of change in past warm climates: insights from advanced statistical estimations on high-resolution coral proxy recordsManfred MudelseeSEARCH
Seasonal to decadal tropical sea surface temperature variability from corals: timescale dependent fidelity of δ18O and Sr/Ca recordsAndrew Dolman
Terrestrial sediment flux and upwelling intensity in the anthropogenic era recorded by stable Ba isotopes and rare earth elements in tropical coral skeletonsMartin Frank
The marine nitrogen cycle in a warming world: evidence from the past, lessons for the AnthropoceneAlfredo Martínez-GarcíaNITROCENE
Tropical Atlantic-Pacific hydroclimate, variability and teleconnections during the Last Interglacial and the Holocene – Insights from earth-system modelling and coralsUte MerkelTAPIOLA
Tropical climate variability and the influence of environmental stressors as recorded in orbicella and siderastrea coral skeletons from BelizeEberhard Gischler
Coordination FundsThomas Felis
DFG SPP 2299 project database –