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First Topical Meet­ing for DFG Pri­or­ity Pro­gramme “Trop­ical Cli­mate Vari­ab­il­ity & Coral Reefs” May 2023

Re­search­ers from the DFG Pri­or­ity Pro­gramme “Trop­ical Cli­mate Vari­ab­il­ity & Coral Reefs” (SPP 2299) met in Bremen over the week of the 30th of May to the 2nd of June. The top­ical meet­ing was focused on thermal stress sig­na­tures in the geo­chem­istry of coral skel­et­ons and the role of tem­per­at­ure vari­ab­il­ity in cor­als sus­cept­ib­il­ity to bleach­ing. The Bre­men coordination team welcomed 50 colleagues from the 15 part­ner in­sti­tu­tions participating in the pro­gramme, also welcoming several invited international guests. The topical meeting, as a programme with the DFG, was also joined by DFG Programme Officer Ismene Seeberg-Elverfeldt.

During the topical meeting, there were several featured keynote speakers including;

Another exciting feature of the first topical meeting was the international early career researchers who were invited to give talks at the meeting;

Two images of participants at the May 2023 SPP 2299 Topical Meeting.

The meet­ing concluded with a work­shop for the early ca­reer re­search­ers within the pro­gramme focusing on unconscious bias within scientific workplaces, provided by Cassandra Ellerbe.

Marlene Wall presenting her SPP 2299 project at the May 2023 Topical Meeting.

The Pri­or­ity Pro­gramme (SPP 2299) has been running since last year, with the first phase of the pro­gramme co­ordin­ated by Thomas Felis from MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences at the Uni­versity of Bre­men. The second phase of the programme will be co­ordin­ated by Miriam Pfeif­fer from Kiel University (CAU). The goal of the pro­gramme is to improve the un­der­stand­ing of trop­ical mar­ine cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity and its im­pact on coral reef eco­sys­tems in a warm­ing world. To de­velop this un­der­stand­ing, pro­jects as­so­ci­ated with the pro­gramme are focused on quan­ti­fy­ing cli­mate and en­vir­on­mental changes dur­ing both the cur­rent warm­ing and dur­ing past warm peri­ods on time scales rel­ev­ant to so­ci­ety.

Group photo from the SPP 2299 Topical Meeting in May 2023.

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